Who I am.

friday shoot

I am a performer, performance devisor, actor, screenplay writer and soul dancer.

I also write poetry, sing whilst walking to the train, meditate for an hour or two every day, practice yoga, talk to plants and love to spend time with the people who make my heart sing and who encourage me to step up into my best self.

I require of myself to be the most wild, loving, truthful, intelligent woman I can be.

I am a passionate and creative, with my mother’s green eyes and the curly hair of my father’s side.

I can also say that I consider myself 90% recovered from disordered eating. That disorder covered the full spectrum of binge/purge/starve and took me to and from the absolute depths of hell all the way up into full embodied and expressed empowerment. It has been a very powerful and transformational journey.

Most days I am able to look in the mirror now and not just not NOT like what I see, but love the unique way my body expresses my own individuality.

I believe the best way we can each contribute to this world being a better place is by offering the gift that is unique to us… no one else can express our essence for us and for the benefit of the world. Our history and experiences help shape and transform these gifts.  Having undergone the journey of totally dis-empowered, self-hating young girl to fully embodied and expressed woman, I see part of my gift is of helping others to bring awareness to their shadows, integrating them and stepping into freedom, empowerment and balance.

This is one step on the road to offering myself, in loving and passionate service, to the world at large.

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