How to Get Involved

Yay for you being here and wanting to get involved and share yourself!

Please fill out the two forms below and email them to:

In addition, please include two attached journal entries (or drawings/photos, whatever form you express through). The first entry should be from the period that was the depths of the ‘disorder’, and the second be one that illustrates some clarity around what is underlying the situation. It could also be one expressing hope and optimism for the future, or post E.D, reflecting on your current positive relationship to food and the body.

There are many stories to share, so please keep journal entries and answers to questions to a MAXIMUM (they can be shorter) of 500 words.

I am so excited to receive and tenderly hold the wonderful learnings and growings, experiencings and vulnerableness that you hold within you! In my experience, one of the deepest ways we can heal is both through offering ourselves in our deepest, rawest truth, straight from the heart – being really received in that; and also in receiving THAT right into our most honest, present, listening self. This is an opportunity for both the giver of story and receiver of story to really transform through truth and presence. So in that spirit I invite you, in offering yourself, to REALLY offer. If you’re going to be vulnerable, be vulnerable. This is a safe space, just you and your pen. You are not judged for your depth of feeling, but celebrated for your strength that you can feel and that you’re walking the path of healing. Allow your deep feeling heart to reach out with it’s voice and touch the hearts of all those others who believe themselves stuck in their isolating cave of disordered eating.


Release form

Question form


Peace, love and happiness to all!


Please share this project to your social media. 🙂

2 thoughts on “How to Get Involved

  1. Love this! I’m filling out the form and will find some stories/journal entries if I can. Thanks for creating C! x

  2. Pingback: First shared stories… | the NotesOn project

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