
Welcome to the NotesOn project site!

The NotesOn project’s aim is to empower and enlighten people through the sharing of personal stories, related to their own transformational journeying of ‘the dark night of the soul’. The way in which this compilation of stories will be offered is book form.

The first (and current) project, which relates very deeply to my own story, is The E.D. Book. The purpose of this book is to give people who have lived through/are living through disordered eating and body dysmorphia, an opportunity to share their stories from their own hearts and minds; not only through the (very valid and informed) observations of psychologists and psychiatrists.

This invitation to share is offered in the hope that through the accessing and offering of deep truth and vulnerability, the way may be more honestly and heartfeltly illuminated for others. This book is being created as a means of providing support and deeper understanding, both for those going through this experience and those who are being the support systems, the cheerleaders, from the sidelines.

If you or anyone you know have been through the experience of Binge/Over Eating, Bulimia, Anorexia, compulsive exercising related to body image and weight, or all of the above plus some (they often swing all over the shop… if you’re greedy for experience of the psyche you certainly get it! 😉 ), I would love to hear your stories. Please check out the (soon to be attached) documents for how to participate and where to send your stories to.

The structure of The E.D. Book is two part: a questionnaire form, as well as the submission of two journal entries from the time which participants were/are going through this experience. The first entry should be from the period that was the depths of the ‘disorder’, and the second be one that illustrates some clarity around what is underlying the situation. It could also be one expressing hope and optimism for the future, or post E.D, reflecting on your current positive relationship to food and the body.

This is a really prevalent issue in today’s society. Raising awareness and helping each other to move through disordered eating is integral to both individually and collectively living embodied and empowered lives. Therefore, I would love your help on this mission! Please forward this link to those who you feel may be interested/benefit and also please ‘like’ the Facebook page the NotesOn project… The E.D. Book and share it. By spreading awareness of this project, you are facilitating this project to in turn, build awareness and resources on this topic.

A percentage of the profits of this book will be donated to Eating Disorder organisations in order to benefit those (in another immediate sense) who are still walking this at times terrifying and overwhelming road.

Stay tuned to see how you can donate to get this project up off the ground!

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